Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Manhattanhenge (pix heavy, but no knitting)

Last night was Manhattanhenge, when the setting sun lines up perfectly with Manhattan's street grid. It's a pretty awesome sight, and this year Georgia and I got to watch it from Queens. We were running along the waterfront on Hallet Cove near Socrates Sculpture Park trying to find a spot that lined up with the grid. Finally found one, about two seconds before the sun dipped below the horizon. And then my stupid camera wouldn't focus... fortunately it has a fast shutter speed.

Out of focus, but I thought it was still pretty damn cool.

Finally got the shot!

The last of the sun.
 We then went into the park and I got a sweet shot of the kiddo in the falling light. Amazing that she stood still long enough for me to catch this one.

Georgia and I also found some awesome street art (or graffiti, if you will) on our walk to the waterfront, on 30th Ave near Main Street:


  1. Oh you know I love the pic posts the best anyway!! So. Damn. Cool.!! Man, oh man...I would loved to have been there to photograph that. You did an awesome job. You should so have that made into a large canvas to hang in your new apt!!!

  2. Wow your photos are spectacular! It's interesting where you live!

  3. Love the murals. Queens street art is so much gentler than in the Bronx!

  4. i have had manhattanhenge on my calendar twice this summer now, and didn't go to see it either time. glad you got to see it, someday i'll get off my lazy **s and catch it!

  5. This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing with us! (Sunsets are my weaknesses)
    I love graffitis if they are artistic and on acceptable place. I think it adds some special charm to the city.

  6. I was looking the other way--there was a quick moving thunderstorm cell and after it passed, a double rainbow! It was here and gone in an instant--i only got photos from my window (only a small portion. Thank you for yours!

  7. Wonderful pictures! What a cool thing t see. And I envy your street art. Ours is definitely more like grafitti!

  8. Those photos are wonderful Virginia, lovely lovely sunset! And you are so right, the out of focus shot is pretty damned cool - and beautiful! I love street art, and those are great. The third one is more than great, really talented. Lol little Georgia standing still, good you got a shot from that :-) So sweet your little girl!
