Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Keep Marchin'

(completely non-knitting related give-away near bottom of the post)

As promised, here is a picture of the Villane in progress:

Not very exciting at this point, I know, but it's moving along quickly and I'm enjoying the colors. This is the Whales Road colorway in Malabrigo Worsted, and for some reason it is reading a heck of a lot more blue than green in the photo. Can't win em all, right?

Anyway, I'm feeling a little better today. Less cranky.

I'm starting to get my ducks in a row, finishing our tax return, applying to replace my stolen social security card, cleaning up my desk at work (for reasons I won't detail here in the event any of my employers are reading my blog), learning more about my digital camera, designing more sweaters in my head, and just generally working on stuff.

It's been a long-standing pattern for me to take care of stuff for other people (like all of the above) long before I actually take care of myself. So I'm trying to get myself in the headspace of taking care of me, too. Gotta remember to do that once in a while, right?

Anyway, the lyrics to the song Keep Marching by Raphael Saadiq popped into my head:

when there's nothing you can do
when there's nothing you can say
'cause everything aint' going to go your way
if you're feeling kind of strange and you want to lay it down
and it's hard for you to keep your feet on solid ground

you got to keep, on ... keep marchin'
keep marchin' on

In honor of getting myself moving towards a better mental space, I am giving away (via iTunes) four copies of the above song, and one copy of Mr. Saadiq's full album to random folks who post a comment by midnight EST Friday, April 16th. If you're not familiar with Mr. Saadiq's music, this particular album has a 1960's/1970's soul/r&b feel to it. Think Barry White/Marvin Gaye/Al Green/etc.

Also, it's very good to knit to.

And finally, a picture of my completely irreverent daughter:


  1. Oh my dear, thank you for your kindness, and know that I received all the hugs.
    God bless you!

  2. It's beautiful so far! I love blue and love how the variegation is coming out. And good for you for making yourself a priority. If you don't take care of you, who will?

  3. Oh geeze.....so much to know. Ok. first of all...hell yeah...put my name in the hat. Love that music!! Love IT!!
    Then get thyself to our place of refuge and tell me what's going on in your world. NOW. oh yeah...please?
    If Wisconsin gets any cuter, I want her. For my own.

  4. Oh.....and one more thing. As I've told you many times before....if mama don't take care of mama, ain't nobody else going to.
    Fact of life, girlfriend.
    You have got to ease up a bit with everyone else and give some of that time to yourself.
    You have to. With no guilt. You've earned it. Big time.

  5. my DD--(all grown up!) owns several tiaras--she thinks they are wonderful for all occations--obviously your DD thinks just like her!

  6. Das sieht sehr schön aus bis jetzt ... tolle Farben! Ich bin gespannt, wie es weitergeht ;O) ... und: Immer schön auch auf dich selbst aufpassen, denn wenn du es nicht tust, wer sollte es im Zweifelsfall denn sonst tun ;O)

    Liebe Grüße aus der verregneten alten Heimat! Andrea

  7. You are SUCH a music evangelist!

    And you forgot to mention that Saadiq is also great to paint to!

  8. Your daughter is adorable and I'm digging that colorway. I love knitting with malabrigo. It's so dreamy.

  9. Your Villane is beautiful, can't wait to se more of it! And what a great photo of your adorable daughter, a little princess :-)

  10. Yeah Virginia you should visit Oslo! I live hour and a half drive away and we could meet:-)))
    I moved from Oslo to Gjøvik 10 years ago, and still regret - but DH will not move back, he's born and raised in Gjøvik. But it is ok, my mother still lives there and I can go visiting all I want :-) Btw there is a Blog Gathering in Oslo in August - people from all over the world are visiting :-)
