Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I've lost my knitting mojo


So. I finished the Liesl yesterday. No pix, as yesterday was so dark and nasty, the light was no where nears good for photography.

However, I managed to screw it up again. Ok, so after discovering that the yarn I was going to use for the sleeves was a TOTALLY different color than the yarn for the body, even though the ball bands said it was from the same dye lot (DAMNIT), and that I had brilliantly started on the sleeves before getting too far down on the body just in case I screwed up again and needed to rip to above the sleevey area, I did one sleeve perfectly, had no problems picking up all the stitches, the math worked out beautifully. I worked my way down further on the body because I was tired and didn't feel like dealing with the other sleeve just yet.

When I went to pick up the stitches for the other sleeve I discovered that I had somehow managed to COMPLETELY screw up the stitch pattern and instead of having *inc 4, dec 4, inc 4, dec 4 - I had the following *inc 4, inc 4, dec, 4, inc 4.


So. What I did was rip out the other sleeve completely, back down to the original stitches, and have a cap sleeved sweater with a picot bind off. Additionally because my 3rd skein was such a different color, I just finished it with two skeins. My Liesl does not have sleeves and is about, oh, 4 inches shorter than I had originally intended.

I just need to find some fastenings for the sweater, and it'll be fully complete.

I did wear it last night to Robert Burns night at St. Andrews in NYC. Which, by the way, is a total blast. Although not so much when you're not feeling well, as I was last night.

My feelings are a little bruised by my lack of ability to make a second Liesl the way I want it.

That, coupled with the screw up on Bruce's sweater (still haven't ripped out the bits I messed up) are leaving me feeling kinda hurt.

And I've started on my first design. I've designed it, and have started knitting it. It is really pretty, but the stitch pattern is pulling it a little out of whack and I'm concerned because it is made out of alpaca yarn, which has absolute crap for memory. So I'm not sure blocking will help.

We shall see.

Again, I'll post pix of that when I get somewhere in the sunlight.

And I'll try to think of a project to help me with my knitting mojo. Maybe I should finish Ella's sweater (finally)


  1. Some days are like that, you lose the mojo and nothing seems to go right and you need a moment to breathe and back up and see the big picture. I hope your feeling better and if you ever need a test knitter holler!

  2. Oh noooes! I can totally relate, too. Hang in there!

  3. What a total pain but you'll get it back ... stand back and do something else until it comes running back begging to be allowed to play.

  4. Sometimes it helps, when you cast on for something totally different, or you try a different craft altogether to get your mojo back.
    Making mistakes sucks the fun out of it, but it happens to all of us. I hope you'll get your mojo back soon! Plus some sunshine! :o)

  5. Yea some days are like that, and we can do nothing about it. Keep up the good work girl, hope everything will work out for you. Btw Blogline do not pick up your new posts anymore hmm...

  6. I like the Liesl. Quit being so hard on yourself!
