Sunday, February 12, 2012

Radio Silence

2012 thus far has not been a banner year...

After being sick for most of January, I went to my doctor and discovered that I have some funky cells hanging out in certain areas of my body which indicate bad things (i.e. cancer), and will require minor surgery. It's not a big deal, should only involve a 20 minute procedure and local anesthesia, but still... scary. My doctor is not freaked out. I'm fairly not freaked out. We'll see when the secondary pathology reports come  back this week. By the way, I REALLY do not like the term "secondary pathology" as it is just effing scary. Anyway, the funky cells are very new, have not progressed, and are exceedingly manageable, so we're ok.

During the biopsy (which mind you, was done without anesthesia, yay), I tweaked out my right shoulder, which has caused me an IMMENSE amount of pain, and I haven't been able to knit (or type, really), or do anything except whine, pop advil and liberally ingest vast quantities of tequila... All with my left hand, as my right hand has gone numb off and on. And for those of you know me even remotely well, I am so ridiculously right handed, it isn't even FUNNY, and my left hand is fairly useless. Fortunately, I'm not too shabby with the getting-tequila-to-mouth thing with the left hand, so alls well that ends well, right?

Also, last night, my boss' wife passed away from cancer. It's a very sad situation, as she is survived by my boss and their two sons, who are 13 and 16. I'm currently helping my boss (and my office) deal with that...

Anyway. Sorry if I'm not around much. Maybe posting will happen at some point in the near future (I'm thinking March), but for right now, times is rather tough.

Hugs to everybody, I'm thinking about you, even if not commenting on your blogs, and I'm looking forward to being back in the regular swing of things at some point in the near future. Feel free to drop me an e-mail or a PM on Rav.


  1. oh I am so sorry to hear this - koala hugs from oz - what a terrible way to start the year

    can you try acupuncture for your arm? not knitting would be the worst

  2. Luv u V...will be writing you soon.
    Hang in there, LYMTD!

  3. Ugh, tough times. Hope the pathology all comes back ok. Sorry about your bosses wife too, that is awful. Hope you are dealing with everything ok. And that you can knit again soon.

  4. Isn't it typical that so many bad things happen at once?! I'm thinking of you and sending lots of good and yarny thoughts your way! Hugs!

  5. Oh Virginia, I am so sorry to read this. But I know, you will fight this, and stand tall in the other end. Don't be scared my friend, I send you warm thoughts, big hugs, and help you if I can. Please keep in touch so I know how you are doing!

  6. I'm so sorry you have had such a bad beginnig of year. Hugs. Everything will be ok, you'll be ok.

  7. I am so sorry. Everything is going to be OK, just try not to worry (I know, it's easier to say...). I'll be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way. I wish you all the best and if there is anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to let me know.
    A huge hug,

  8. You really are having a lousy year. I hope the lab reports comes back with a clean bill of health for you. Very nerve-wracking. It's wonderful that you are there for your boss. And not being able to knit with all that's going on ... well, that's just not fair.

    Wishing you better karma for the rest of 2012!
